cutenesssssss! - Inkie mummy
Beautiful dots!
love this, what's it called?
that is Have a Sheri Berry Holiday Snowmen
Ok, I was loving this fabric, & now that I see how you used it here, I think I have to buy some!
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even when it's not
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Posted by Kathy at 12:31 AM 2 comments
I'm actually going to do a real update SOON. I want to start blogging again. It's been so long, can someone please remind me how to change my background?! How sad, I don't do it for 6 months and I'm rendered helpless!!! So as soon as I give my blog a snazzy new background I'll have the inspiration I need to write!
Posted by Kathy at 11:57 AM 9 comments
Yes, my hair is dark again but that's not what this post is about..... A couple of days ago as I was leaving my sister-in-law Amandas house I put on my sunglasses to which she burst out laughing at me. Yes, right there to my face lol.... then through laughter she said "I like your sunglasses, you look like a movie star". Okay, I know when I'm being mocked!!! That's right, I can figure it out when someone is laughing in my face.... I'm pretty perceptive like that (you know I love you Amanda!)........... I've always liked fashion and I like to be current in my style, but when do you look just plain stupid?!?! Sometimes getting old is so confussing....
Posted by Kathy at 12:46 PM 11 comments
Posted by Kathy at 5:26 PM 3 comments
SO today I received a phone call that was both hilarious and disturbing at the same time. It was from the child welfare people, which is not a call any parent wants to get. She proceeded to tell me that they recieved a report that we were locking Branson (our 7 year old) in a cage and that he was locked in the cage after church on sunday and left there until monday morning. All I can do is laugh, it's so ridiculous!!!! So upon my further questioning she tells me that Branson told someone at school this. She also told me that she went to the school today to talk to Branson. She asked him what happens at home when he gets into trouble, he told her he gets yelled at and maybe sent to his room but then he makes a sad face and he usually doesn't have to....... lol So it seems he doesn't recieve enough discipline to me! SO thankfully the social worker isn't really buying any of it but she has to come out to the house, inspect it and meet and talk to all the kids. sheeeeezzzzz..... JOhn laughed when I told him but can imagine if there was some over zelious case worker that believed it?!?! Frightening..... This little boy has got to learn there are some signifigant consequences to some of his stories.
Posted by Kathy at 7:32 PM 11 comments
Today is our sweet little boys birthday! I can hardly believe that he is four years old today. He has been such a joy to have in our family. He's a happy go lucky little guy that LOVES his mommy. He showers me with kisses and hugs through out the day. How lucky am I?! If I am ever having a bad day, that smile with those big dimples takes it all away. Happy Birthday Jack!!!!!
Posted by Kathy at 8:39 AM 3 comments
Ok, seriously I really want to do more posts and keep up with my blog but I'm having picture issues! My printer which has the card reader on it has not been hooked up yet and how boring are posts with no pictures!!!
Posted by Kathy at 2:39 PM 8 comments
It's been quit a while since I've posted and it's been a pretty crazy couple of months. We moved out of our house and into my parents house (our old house) and began our search for the right house to settle into. Well we found one and moved into it a couple of weeks ago. I've been unpacking boxes ever since and dreaming of what can be with our new home. Our new home is BIG, pretty new and not at all my style. I would say it's ugly even. I say this with a lot of hesitation because I don't want to seem ungrateful. I know we are very lucky and blessed to have a nice and big home with way more amenities than anyone ever needs. That said, I am a very visual and creative person that is very affected by what I look at all day. Sooooo I look at all these brown walls, brown carpet, brown trim, bad fake rock halfway up my walls and imagine what CAN be.
Posted by Kathy at 11:29 PM 5 comments
So yeah, We are moving. Most of you that read my blog already know that we are but I haven't blogged about it until now. I've really neglected the blog. Facebook steals most of my computer time and I've been pretty upset with the move and haven't really wanted to write about it. So yeah, we are giving our house back to the bank. John likes to say "we've had an offer we couldn't refuse". I just found out about it all about two weeks ago and have been trying to figure out what our next move will be. We still have our old house that my parents live in on Saint Cloud Ct. so for now we will be putting all our things in storage and staying there. Beyond that, I'm not sure what comes next. We will figure it all out and land on our feet. John is smart, works hard and makes a good living. IN the long run it's probably good we lost this house. We paid about 800,000 for it and it's worth less than 400 now. We were really stuck here and we never planned on staying in this house long term. So, my kids are in daycare today and I'm here trying to get things organized and figure out what's going into storage and what will go with us to the other house. I feel blessed I will be able to have movers come tomorrow, who will pack and store everything else. That will be a first for us. There will be something comforting about staying at the old house too. Our kids have friends in the culdesac and we will be returning to our old ward for now where we have a lot of friends. It will be hardest on Christopher to switch wards. We may end up back the Mountain View ward eventually too.... who knows. Both good wards, so either way. I'm pretty much just rambling now and procrastinating all that I need to get done today.
Posted by Kathy at 12:32 PM 14 comments
That's just nearly impossible to read! So sorry!!! I copied and pasted it from another blog and I don't know how to make it bigger and/or change the green color! Just look really really closely!!
Posted by Kathy at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Could be interesting, let's give it a go!
I took a challenge to Pay It Forward. Here's how it works:
The first five people to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me. However there are some limitations:
1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make.
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year 2009
4. You have no clue what it is going to be...I may bake something and mail it to you . Who knows? Not you that's for sure! LOL!
5. I reserve the right to do something weird or funny
Here is the catch, if you choose to do this...You must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for five people too. Ha! Ha! You will be Lucky to pay it forward! This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog. Not because I am so awesome, but because that is part of the rules. (Although, sometimes I can be sooo awesome! LOL!) If I do not know you and do not have your address, be prepared to give it up if you want the goods. He. Hee. ;) If you do not wish to give a total stranger your personal address, I will move on to the next post.
Do you wanna be LUCKY and play Pay It Forward?
Posted by Kathy at 7:51 AM 6 comments
I just got back from Saint George, Utah and my sister Susans wedding. That erea of the country is simply stunning.
Posted by Kathy at 12:25 AM 5 comments
I saw this on you tube and had to share. The Glass Castle is one of my favorite books and it's so fascinating to see the actual people it's about. If you haven't read it, read it!
Posted by Kathy at 1:29 AM 7 comments
All my friends and family will be overjoyed (okay maybe just glad) that I have replaced my cell phone! I have finally conceded.... the blackberry IS lost and is NOT coming home. I really have a love/hate relationship with the cell phone. I was procrastinating getting this one for months. What put me over the edge to just go get it was seeing my sister in law Amandas cute new cell! So I guess if my phone is a fun color and looks like a make up compact, I'm willing to own one. My days of shopping in peace are over (if you have kids at home old enough to use a phone you'll know exactly what I'm talking about).
Posted by Kathy at 10:46 PM 6 comments
If Stains can do, so can I!! I'll have to work on my concentrated stare...
Posted by Kathy at 12:10 AM 4 comments
This is the third time that I have attempted this post! I get interrupted and have to go do something else every time.
Posted by Kathy at 10:22 AM 13 comments
When you wash a dirty diaper with your load of laundry! I couldnt figure out where the clear gel all over my washed clothes came from..... then I saw it.
Posted by Kathy at 4:28 PM 10 comments
I couldn't resist....
Posted by Kathy at 3:56 AM 8 comments
While in Idaho at Grandmas funeral, I made the mistake of telling the boys why the grand Tetons are called the grand tetons.....
Posted by Kathy at 12:06 AM 5 comments
Look at that cute face! But don't let it deceive you. He's a cutter. No, NOT that kind! I have had scissors hangin around more than usual the past couple of weeks on account of Christmas and such. So Jacks favorite pastime is taking scissors and cutting whatever he can. He cut blinds, power chords (not always a bad thing there) a nice expensive woven throw blanket I bought in Maine, HIs shirts, my shirts, fifis pants, Bransons blanket, Christophers Headphone chord, phone charger chords, chunks of Sophies hair and the list grows everyday as I find and discover new things that he has already cut. Put the scissors AWAy you say? Done that more than 100 times.... older kids need them, get them out or I put them up where I think he can't possibly discover them...... but he does. It only takes a few minutes. He goes on his cutting rampage. I get after him, put him in time out and think I've gotten the message across this time and he won't do it again....... wrongo! Sometimes I'm not sure if it's an old cut and I'm just discovering it for the first time or if we need to discipline him again........*sigh* It's a good thing he's so dang cute....
Posted by Kathy at 10:34 PM 2 comments
I'm just so sick of seeing the title of that last blog entry that I just had to write SOMETHING to make it go further down the page. I don't have anything in particular that I'm planning on writing here..... just writing. Today is my birthday, well for 10 more minutes anyway. The big 38... too weird. The numbers keep getting higher every year and the mirror tells me that lots of time is passing but I still think I'm 17. Okay, maybe 23 (that just sounds better even if it may be more like 17). I've turned into one of those middle aged people that say "I don't feel a day over 17". I guess I should clarify "feel". My body does feel somewhat my age, I'm talkin about how I "feel" between my ears. Today was a bit of a bummer. No ones fault, I just had a sick little boy to stay home with and take care of. I was going to go to lunch with my mom and sister-in-laws but I had to cancel. I couldn't leave Jack. So we sat on the couch or cuddled in the bed most of the day. That actually sounds pretty good now that I'm writing it and I guess it was except for the occasional vomit. Tonight John and I went to dinner and a movie. We saw Australia. It was a really good movie... and Hugh Jackman *sigh* WOW..... I didn't know..... now I know.... WOW. People magazine got it right this year for sure. Well, I have 2 minutes left of my birthday and John said he's give me a message (he HATES giving massages) and I probably won't get one after midnight so I best end this post.
Posted by Kathy at 11:47 PM 9 comments
SO much I could say here. I guess I'll just write a little as it comes to me. I've had quite the contrast of good and bad or more like good and evil over the past week or so. Last week was our big Moss family reunion. So much fun! I love all my family so much, I think I must have hand picked each one before I came to earth. We stayed in a lodge in the mountains not far from Bend. It was beautiful, the company was warm and fun and the kids had the times of theirlives with all their cousins. I think there were about 60 people there. Megan and I made 50 pounds of mashed potatoes Thanksgiving day. Thanks for your help Megan! A lot of people helped me peel as well, so thank you ppl! MY sister-in-law Jodie went all out with her baking. SOOOO many baked goodies around the entire time.
Posted by Kathy at 1:26 AM 8 comments
I've once again been scanning old pictures. I love this one of Christy (my sister), Amy Ward and me in the photo booth at the Del Mar fair. Yes, Amy Ward is in there somewhere...... we were all trying to fight for the camera. Guess Amy didn't stand much of a chance with Christy and me!
Posted by Kathy at 12:38 AM 6 comments
I've decided to make Jaylenes "comment" into a guest blogger spot. She just makes it all make sense.....
O.k., it all makes sense now.
When I was in Idaho, I heard disco music in the middle of the night, and your mom saying, "smile larry smile!" I followed it to the room upstairs, and of course you know the rest of the story, your dad was practicing for what, I now know, was this video thing. I am glad he took out the jump twist thing from off the couch. (it defiantly would have messed up his hair)
Anyway I have to know where did your dad get the chain he was wearing!
And your mom a true testament for usana! (and I even thought that before I saw that clip)
November 18, 2008 8:53 AM
Posted by Kathy at 11:50 PM 3 comments
Posted by Kathy at 8:50 PM 11 comments
Robert and Jodie had their baby on friday. I went to see the little guy yesterday. He is beautiful, just perfect. Looks like a combo of all their kids. At least I can't tell yet who exactly he looks like. He has such a perfect little face and lots of dark hair. I'll try to get some pictures of him today and post them on here...
Posted by Kathy at 8:30 AM 5 comments
My baby girl is growing up! It's official, she's a teenager. I think she's been anticipating that label for years now. The signs have been there for quite some time and now we can declare it as a fact. I love her so much and feel so blessed and pleased for her with the good choices she has made in her life. She is definitely seeking her independence and own identity away from mine but all the while making good choices that are still distinctly her. Does that make any sense? lol Anway, Happy Birthday Emily, I love you!!!!
Posted by Kathy at 11:13 PM 6 comments
We had a fun night. Lots of candy and ghouls. Branson and Jack were pirates. Well, Branson was actually a skeleton pirate (he always corrects me on that one). Sophie was a witch (a good one) and Emily was a Teletubbi, Po I believe. I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of Emily. Maybe I'll have her put it back on tomorrow. Christopher couldn't dress up tonight. He was in the orchestra pit in his high schools musical tonight (lame they had opening night on halloween). Hope everyone had fun!
Posted by Kathy at 12:34 AM 7 comments
I had it redone today (my hair) . It's better I think. I think I'll find a new hair dresser though.... I promise I'll stop talking about it now.
Posted by Kathy at 9:42 PM 6 comments
okay I have lived with my hair for over 24 hours now and it just aint flyin. I'm getting it re done tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what to have her do to it now. Most people tell me they like it better really blonde but then some say they like me better dark. What is YOUR opinion? Oh and I saw my friend Krista today and she mentioned my new do and color. I told her I hated the color and she said "why, is it too grey looking for you?" So there! I was right! lol (no, she doesn't read my blog).
Posted by Kathy at 11:01 PM 3 comments
SO I just got my hair done and I HATE it. The stylists tried to convince me that it looked really good and really natural. I told her that I would try living with it for a couple of days and seeing if I could get used to it and change my mind. I also told her I thought it looked salt and pepper grey. I really hate it and I need everyones opinion. Is it just me do I just need to get used to it? Or is it grey? Just tell me what you think and if you're someone that just reads my blog but never comments, now is the time to comment!
Posted by Kathy at 3:18 PM 13 comments
I stole this from Wendy. I see my near future without the surgery...
Posted by Kathy at 2:23 PM 5 comments
I know it's long but how could I stop taping with those sweet moves?! (sorry about my singing)
Posted by Kathy at 1:33 PM 6 comments
I had to put it on you tube to get it on my blog. Blogger wouldn't download any of the band videos for some reason.
Posted by Kathy at 1:09 AM 2 comments
I've lived next to the ocean most of my life. Visited a few different oceans in the world as well. Something I've always enjoyed is watching the dolphins play in the surf. On many days in Carlsbad you can sit on the shore and see the dolphins swimming in the surf. I've been on boats in the ocean dozens of times as well and have seen lots of dolphins swimming along with the boat. On one occasion I was on a ship headed from Long Beach, ca. to Catalina Island and there were dolphins all around the ship as far as the eye could see in all directions. It was quite the sight. I've seen dolphins in the ocean all along the California and Oregon coasts. I've seen them in Mexico, Hawaii, Florida and even France. So I was shocked to hear from my daughter Emily that her 'science' teacher told the class (which all gasped in horror) last week that there are only 600 dolphins left in the worlds oceans. WOW, indoctrination starts young. Or could it be that those dolphins just love me and follow me in my travels... hmmmm
Posted by Kathy at 11:29 PM 4 comments
At the request of Heidie Lee. Here are some pictures of our Halloween house.
and the scariest image of all.....
Posted by Kathy at 8:59 PM 3 comments