So I still have not figured out how to add links to my page. I'll just have to tell you about this one. Christopher along with his cousins Jacob and Preston have been making some pretty funny little movies and posting them on you tube. The latest one they made while we were gone is my favorite. So to see it go to and type in thesonicyes All one word. Enjoy!
2 days ago
Great Family!! My birth name was Wiley. Fam was from Indiana...
Don't know if you are aware of the car seat safety program called the W.H.A.L.E. Program. W.H.A.L.E. stands for “We Have A Little Emergency.”
Through the use of an informational label, which is placed on the back of a child car safety seat (Out of plain view), and vehicle and car seat stickers, which are placed on the rear windows of the car and on the sides of the car seat, this program provides rescue personnel with pertinent information about children riding in the car seats who are involved in automobile accidents.
This information includes name, address, how to contact next of kin, and important medical needs. The whale program is a sensible and easy way to ensure that child car safety seat passengers involved in auto accidents receive the best and most efficient care possible.
Take a look at:
I loved the youtube videos!!! They are so funny...can't you download them to your blog? My favorite was home alone...I laughed so hard!
OMGosh, those are HILARIOUS! We were all laughing so hard, that Mike stopped his game so he could come watch with us.
Our favorite was also the home alone one... it was so... CHRISTOPHER!!! LOL
He has such a great personality!
My husbands family (the Wileys) are from Indiana and Michigan. His Grandpa was Donald Wiley and his (Donalds)father was Jess or Jesse Wiley. Beyond that I don't know but it sounds like it could be the same Wileys!
Stacy and I just watched, "Chris, home alone." I can't remember the last time we laughed so hard! What a combination he seems to be of you and John.
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